Unlocking the power of loving an atypical, “not for everyone” classic juice

Finding the Heart of a Historic Flavor

The Challenge

A long-established vegetable juice brand traditionally associated with an older generation needed a modern story that revived brand love with its loyalists and connected it to a new generation of consumers.

Finding the Heart of a Historic Flavor

The Approach

Diving deep with brand loyalists across generations helped us to identify an untold flavor love story for this brand, inspiring us to explore the world of acquired tastes and special flavors in modern food culture to determine its connection to our brand’s untapped but vital identity.

Finding the Heart of a Historic Flavor

The Opportunity

WG’s insights ultimately unlocked a fresh and exciting flavor story that reframed the brand and reclaimed its relevance. This led to a breakthrough new campaign for the brand, as well as experimental pillars of flavor experiences and innovation that the brand had never considered before.

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