The Challenge
A leading water flavor enhancer was feeling competitive pressure to carve out a more distinct functional benefit brand positioning strategy in the wake of the hydration and wellness revolution. Simply being a flavor enhancer was not enough to be Gen-Z’s winning water choice, creating a need to reimagine the brand with a winning functional benefits strategy.

The Approach
WG centered our approach around discovering how water can be transformed from just a beverage into a vital part of Gen-Z’s wellness and self-care ritual. This included an exploration of the ways in which beverages are being reinvented through functional benefits, leading to the ultimate creation of a modern taxonomy of benefit spaces that resonate with Gen-Z. We were then immersed with leading Gen-Z wellness gurus and influencers in a co-creator panel to redesign the brand from the inside out: graphics, packaging, influencer strategy, flavor, and benefit expression.

The Opportunity
Our work unveiled a total brand transformation that expanded the brand portfolio across unique functional benefits, such as calming, mood enhancing, focus, and uplifting. Designed to hook into the water bottle culture, we developed activation concepts that fit into real-life Gen Z culture and behavior.